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Anytime eLearning™ Registration
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Inteq’s Business Process Modeling training course provides analysts with the best practice techniques and methods to rapidly uncover and assimilate deep business knowledge; and to coherently map, accurately measure and thoroughly analyze business processes to identify gaps and opportunities for improvement.
You will learn:
• To quickly and accurately map business processes
• Techniques to discover and capture deep business
• A practical proven framework and roadmap for
process analysis
• To identify both high-value and non-productive work
• Elicitation techniques and business questions that
challenge legacy business rules
• To identify and analyze forward-facing business
requirements across the enterprise
• To identify and apply metrics and key performance
indicators (KPIs)
• Techniques to analyze cross-functional hand-offs
• To identify silos and sources of sub-optimization
• To identify process gaps and perform root cause
• Tactics to identify and analyze opportunities for
improving business processes... and much more
- Techniques to discover and capture deep business knowledge
- A practical proven framework and roadmap for process analysis
- To identify both high-value and non-productive work activities
- Elicitation techniques and business questions that challenge legacy business rules
- To identify and analyze forward-facing business requirements across the enterprise
- To identify and apply metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs)
- Techniques to analyze cross-functional hand-offs
- To identify silos and sources of sub-optimization
- To identify process gaps and perform root cause analysis
- Tactics to identify and analyze opportunities for improving business processes
- ... and much more
- Electronic comprehensive course manual
- Supplemental course materials
- Personalized Certificate of Completion
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- IIBA Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Individual Training (via Anytime eLearning)

Team Training

Enterprise Training

Regulation, competition, growth, technology, resource / talent availability, restructuring, economic conditions, business strategy, etc. are continually driving business change. Proactively recognizing and embracing change and transforming and continually improving business processes are essential to surviving and thriving in today’s business environment.
You will learn:
• A framework and roadmap for agile BPR – shifting from
BPR as a project to BPR as an ongoing process.
• Best practices to achieve sustainable incremental and
transformational change.
• An integrated approach to improve and transform
business processes from 360° – The tactical,
operational and strategic perspectives.
• To apply a sophisticated toolkit of over 50 specific,
proven, practical high impact improvement and
reengineering tactics.
• To utilize the process change continuum to define and
validate project mission and scope.
• To ensure the results are integrated into your
organization’s culture and are sustainable over time.
• Critical thinking skills, conceptual knowledge and best
practice techniques that transform legacy processes
into efficient, lean, effective forward facing processes.
• To enable analysts, subject matter experts and other
stakeholders to challenge and disrupt existing business
processes, workflows and underlying business rules.
• Best practices from Agile, Six Sigma, Lean and TQM
that business analysts can confidently and immediately
apply to business processes across your organization.
• ... and much more
- A framework and roadmap for agile BPR – shifting from BPR as a project to BPR as an ongoing process
- Best practices to achieve sustainable incremental and transformational change
- An integrated approach to improve and transform business processes from 360° – The tactical, operational and strategic perspectives.
- To apply a sophisticated toolkit of over 50 specific, proven, practical high impact improvement and reengineering tactics
- To utilize the process change continuum to define and validate project mission and scope
- To ensure the results are integrated into your organization’s culture and are sustainable over time
- Critical thinking skills, conceptual knowledge and best practice techniques that transform legacy processes into efficient, lean, effective forward facing processes
- To enable analysts, subject matter experts and other stakeholders to challenge and disrupt existing business processes, workflows and underlying business rules
- Best practices from Agile, Six Sigma, Lean and TQM that business analysts can confidently and immediately apply to business processes across your organization
- ... and much more
- Electronic comprehensive course manual
- Supplemental course materials
- Personalized Certificate of Completion
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- IIBA Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Individual Training (via Anytime eLearning)

Team Training

Enterprise Training

Inteq's Business Systems Analysis training course provides the critical thinking skills, conceptual knowledge and best practice techniques to rapidly discover, thoroughly analyze and accurately specify business and user requirements.
You will learn:
• The 5 types of business requirements that form
the foundation for business analysis
• Engage business users, subject matter experts
and stakeholder in the analysis process
• Surface “hidden” business requirements
• Specific questions that elicit deep business
• Specify precise unambiguous business
• Analyze business requirements 360º to ensure
thorough analysis
• Identify and validate complex business scenarios
• Leverage analysis resources and business
knowledge across the enterprise
• Business analysis best practice techniques
• ... and much more
- The 5 types of business requirements that form the foundation for business analysis
- Engage business users, subject matter experts and stakeholder in the analysis process
- Surface “hidden” business requirements
- Specific questions that elicit deep business knowledge
- Specify precise unambiguous business requirements
- Analyze business requirements 360º to ensure thorough analysis
- Identify and validate complex business scenarios
- Leverage analysis resources and business knowledge across the enterprise
- Business analysis best practice techniques
- ... and much more
- Electronic comprehensive course manual
- Supplemental course materials
- Personalized Certificate of Completion
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- IIBA Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Individual Training (via Anytime eLearning)

Team Training

Enterprise Training

Inteq’s 2-day Robotic Process Automation (RPA) training program applies to an ecosystem of robotic process automation techniques and methods (e.g., Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Intelligent Process Automation (IPA), Workflow Automation, Digital Transformation, etc.) for improving the effectiveness, efficiency, agility, and scalability of business processes.
You will learn:
• Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Framework and Key Concepts
• Business Functions, Process and Work Activities
• RPA: RPA, Intelligent Automation, Workflow Automation, Digitization, ...
• RPA Core Use Cases
• The Business Case for RPA | Effectiveness, Efficiency, Agility and Scalability
• Identifying and Selecting Opportunities to Apply RPA
• Designing RPA Automations | Techniques and Best Practices
• RPA at Scale | Case Study
• The RPA Ecosystem - Survey of Vendor Products
• Aligning RPA Initiatives with Digital Transformation Strategy
- Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Framework and Key Concepts
- Business Functions, Process and Work Activities
- RPA: RPA, Intelligent Automation, Workflow Automation, Digitization, ...
- RPA Core Use Cases
- The Business Case for RPA | Effectiveness, Efficiency, Agility and Scalability
- Identifying and Selecting Opportunities to Apply RPA
- Designing RPA Automations | Techniques and Best Practices
- RPA at Scale | Case Study
- The RPA Ecosystem - Survey of Vendor Products
- Aligning RPA Initiatives with Digital Transformation Strategy
- Electronic comprehensive course manual
- Supplemental course materials
- Personalized Certificate of Completion
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- IIBA Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Individual Training (via Anytime eLearning)

Team Training

Enterprise Training

Inteq’s 2-day Business Data Analytics (BDA) training program is about enabling and supporting better faster business decision-making. The focus of BDA is on business data from a business (non-technical) perspective.
You will learn:
• BDA Framework and Key Concepts
• Understanding “Data” and Data Oriented Business Rules
• Measurement, Metrics and Indicators
• Defining, Structuring and Engaging Business Questions
• Identifying, Capturing and Validating Source Data
• Analyzing Business Data | Techniques and Methods
• Interpreting Results and Validating Insights
• BDA at Scale | Case Study
• Data Visualization, Presentation and Communication
- BDA Framework and Key Concepts
- Understanding “Data” and Data Oriented Business Rules
- Measurement, Metrics and Indicators
- Defining, Structuring and Engaging Business Questions
- Identifying, Capturing and Validating Source Data
- Analyzing Business Data | Techniques and Methods
- Interpreting Results and Validating Insights
- BDA at Scale | Case Study
- Data Visualization, Presentation and Communication
- Electronic comprehensive course manual
- Supplemental course materials
- Personalized Certificate of Completion
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- IIBA Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Individual Training (via Anytime eLearning)

Team Training

Enterprise Training

Inteq's Agile Business Analysis training course enables analysts to rapidly and intelligently prioritize requirements and optimize resource (time, talent, budget) allocation to get the right requirements "right" - using the right techniques to rapidly deliver the right level of detail and precision, to the right people at the right time.
• Professional level agile business analysis
techniques and methods
• When and where to apply agile business
• To rapidly discover deep business knowledge
• To improve the speed and quality of analysis
• To assess the business value of deliverables
to optimize the allocation of analysis resources
• Best practices in working with subject matter
experts (SMEs) and other stakeholders
• To create clear concise user stories from use
• To seamlessly apply agile analysis to any
• ... and much more
- Professional level agile business analysis techniques and methods
- When and where to apply agile business analysis
- To rapidly discover deep business knowledge
- To improve the speed and quality of analysis
- To assess the business value of deliverables to optimize the allocation of analysis resources
- Best practices in working with subject matter experts (SMEs) and other stakeholders
- To create clear concise user stories from use cases
- To seamlessly apply agile analysis to any project
- ... and much more
- Electronic comprehensive course manual
- Supplemental course materials
- Personalized Certificate of Completion
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- IIBA Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Individual Training (via Anytime eLearning)

Team Training

Enterprise Training

Inteq's Logical Data Modeling training course provides the critical thinking skills, conceptual knowledge and best practice entity- relationship (E/R) diagramming techniques to reveal the complex moving parts of an organization - its data-oriented business rules - the foundation for precision and agility in requirements analysis.
You will learn:
• Critical thinking skills to cut though superficial and
ambiguous discussions to distill core business concepts.
• To recognize recurring patterns of data-oriented
business rules to improve the quality and speed of
• Techniques that enable thorough analysis of complex
business rules and validation of complex requirements.
• To create a precise, common vocabulary that is
consistent among business end-users, analysts, IT
professionals and other stakeholders, across the
• To developed clear, precise entity-relationship (ER)
diagrams that capture and specify virtually any set of
data-oriented business rules.
- Critical thinking skills to cut though superficial and ambiguous discussions to distill core business concepts
- To recognize recurring patterns of data-oriented business rules to improve the quality and speed of analysis
- Techniques that enable thorough analysis of complex business rules and validation of complex requirements
- To create a precise, common vocabulary that is consistent among business end-users, analysts, IT professionals and other stakeholders, across the organization
- To developed clear, precise entity-relationship (ER) diagrams that capture and specify virtually any set of data-oriented business rules
- ... and much more
- Electronic comprehensive course manual
- Supplemental course materials
- Personalized Certificate of Completion
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- IIBA Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Individual Training (via Anytime eLearning)

Team Training

Enterprise Training

Inteq’s Advanced Data Modeling training course provides participants with the deep knowledge, critical thinking skills and experienced judgment to successfully engage cross-enterprise business rules and requirements.
You will learn:
• Data patterns that enable you to quickly
recognize and accurately analyze complex
cross-enterprise data oriented business rules
and validate complex requirements.
• Generalization and abstraction techniques that
enable flexible data structures that adapt to
rapidly changing business rules and business
• To review and validate enterprise data models
using a comprehensive and effective data
model quality assurance approach.
• Best practice approaches to standardizing
modeling components, meta-data and naming
conventions across the enterprise.
• To identify and analyze the impact of
normalization anomalies.
• To analyze the impact of data model
abstraction on physical database design and
systems development approaches.
• ... and much more
- Data patterns that enable you to quickly recognize and accurately analyze complex cross-enterprise data oriented business rules and validate complex requirements
- Generalization and abstraction techniques that enable flexible data structures that adapt to rapidly changing business rules and business requirements
- To review and validate enterprise data models using a comprehensive and effective data model quality assurance approach
- Best practice approaches to standardizing modeling components, meta-data and naming conventions across the enterprise.
- To identify and analyze the impact of normalization anomalies
- To analyze the impact of data model abstraction on physical database design and systems development approaches
- ... and much more
- Electronic comprehensive course manual
- Supplemental course materials
- Personalized Certificate of Completion
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- IIBA Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Individual Training (via Anytime eLearning)

Team Training

Enterprise Training

Getting the requirements (business requirements, business system requirements, service requirements, etc.) “right” requires, in additional to analysis skills, high levels of engagement, elicitation, and collaboration with your customers (SMEs, stakeholders, etc.).
You will learn:
• BRM Framework and Key Concepts
• BRM Maturity Model
• Organizational, Operational and IT Strategy
• Preparing for Customer Engagement
• Discovery and Elicitation Techniques
• Collaboration Techniques
• Effective Communication
• “Requirements” As-a-Service Offering
- BRM Framework and Key Concepts
- BRM Maturity Model
- Organizational, Operational and IT Strategy
- Preparing for Customer Engagement
- Discovery and Elicitation Techniques
- Collaboration Techniques
- Effective Communication
- “Requirements” As-a-Service Offering
- Electronic comprehensive course manual
- Supplemental course materials
- Personalized Certificate of Completion
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- IIBA Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Individual Training (via Anytime eLearning)

Team Training

Enterprise Training

Inteq’s 2-day course Developing Effective Business Cases provides business and IT professionals with the techniques, methods and critical thinking skills to thoroughly analyze, professionally develop and clearly communicate business cases – to decision makers and stakeholders at all levels.
You will learn:
• To create professional effective business cases
• To enable better, faster business and IT decisions
• A standardized framework for developing
business cases
• Private and public sector best practices
• To work confidently with decision makers and
other stakeholders
• To avoid common mistakes in developing
business cases
• The types of decisions that require business
• To ensure the integrity and credibility of your
business cases
• To communicate and present business cases
• Visual diagramming techniques for scoping,
analyzing, validating and presenting business
• ... and much more
- To create professional effective business cases
- To enable better, faster business and IT decisions
- A standardized framework for developing business cases
- Private and public sector best practices
- To work confidently with decision makers and other stakeholders
- To avoid common mistakes in developing business cases
- The types of decisions that require business cases
- To ensure the integrity and credibility of your business cases
- To communicate and present business cases
- Visual diagramming techniques for scoping, analyzing, validating and presenting business case
- ... and much more
- Electronic comprehensive course manual
- Supplemental course materials
- Personalized Certificate of Completion
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- IIBA Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Individual Training (via Anytime eLearning)

Team Training

Enterprise Training

Change management is the people side of BPR and modernization. Change simply does not happen by itself. Change needs to be cohesively and proactively managed. Change management integrates the transition of people, processes and technology from the current “as-is” state to a continually unfolding future state.
You will learn to:
• Manage the people side of BPR and
• Develop a winning change management strategy
• Assess your organization’s readiness for change
• Create an effective communications plan
• Proactively manage resistance to change
• Successfully engage staff, management and
• Become a high-performing agent of change
• ... and much more
- Manage the people side of BPR and modernization
- Develop a winning change management strategy
- Assess your organization’s readiness for change
- Create an effective communications plan
- Proactively manage resistance to change
- Successfully engage staff, management and leadership
- Become a high-performing agent of change
- ... and much more
- Electronic comprehensive course manual
- Supplemental course materials
- Personalized Certificate of Completion
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- IIBA Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Individual Training (via Anytime eLearning)

Team Training

Enterprise Training

Stakeholders at every level of the organization rely on thorough, objective, accurate business analysis and supporting business cases for decisions regarding changes in business processes and business systems. Inteq's Soft Skills training results in better, faster business and IT decisions – with increased agility that balances competing opportunities and priorities.
• To clearly define business problems
• Proven techniques for discovering and mining deep
business knowledge
• Facilitation and elicitation techniques that enable you
to fully engage subject matter experts
• Critical thinking skills to clearly define and rapidly
resolve business questions
• To develop and clearly communicate effective
business cases
• To navigate the political and cultural roadblocks that
impede high quality analysis
• To respond rather that react to problems
• Proven techniques for generating and evaluating ideas
• To make effective critical decisions
• ... and much more
- To clearly define business problems
- Proven techniques for discovering and mining deep business knowledge
- Facilitation and elicitation techniques that enable you to fully engage subject matter experts
- Critical thinking skills to clearly define and rapidly resolve business questions
- To develop and clearly communicate effective business cases
- To navigate the political and cultural roadblocks that impede high quality analysis
- To respond rather than react to problems
- Proven techniques for generating and evaluating ideas
- To make effective critical decisions
- ... and much more
- Electronic comprehensive course manual
- Supplemental course materials
- Personalized Certificate of Completion
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- IIBA Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Individual Training (via Anytime eLearning)

Team Training

Enterprise Training

Inteq’s ITIL Foundation training program introduces participants to managing modern IT enabled services, provides participants with the key ITIL concepts to improve IT service delivery and prepares participants for the ITIL Foundation certification exam.
You will learn:
• Key concepts of ITSM and service management
• How value creation is enabled through services
• The ITIL service value system and service value chain
• The four dimensions of service management
• ITIL practices and how they contribute to value chain activities
• ITIL guiding principles
• Key concepts of continual improvement
- Key concepts of ITSM and service management
- How value creation is enabled through services
- The ITIL service value system and service value chain
- The four dimensions of service management
- ITIL practices and how they contribute to value chain activities
- ITIL guiding principles
- Key concepts of continual improvement
- ... and much more
- Electronic comprehensive course manual
- Supplemental course materials & Exam Voucher
- Sample Exam Questions
- Personalized Certificate of Completion
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- IIBA Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Individual Training (via Anytime eLearning)

Team Training

Enterprise Training

You will learn:
- How disruption from new technologies impacts every industry;
- How business leaders are responding;
- How to build an effective IT and digital strategy;
- How to implement an effective IT and digital strategy;
- How to tackle digital disruption and drive success
- Electronic comprehensive course workbook
- Supplemental course materials & Exam Voucher
- Sample Exam Questions
- Personalized Certificate of Completion
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- IIBA Professional Development Units (PDUs)
- How disruption from new technologies impacts every industry;
- How business leaders are responding;
- How to build an effective IT and digital strategy;
- How to implement an effective IT and digital strategy;
- How to tackle digital disruption and drive success

Individual Training (via Anytime eLearning)

Team Training

Enterprise Training

Inteq’s ITIL Implementation Workshop Part 1 (of 2) is an expert-facilitated, highly-interactive, collaborative 2-day workshop designed to assist organizations that are ready to move forward with implementing ITIL or are implementing ITIL but are frustrated with the speed, complexity or direction of implementation and/or are not yet getting sufficient value from ITIL.
You will learn to:
• View ITSM and ITIL from 360⁰ - IT, business, and strategy
• "Get” on the same page regarding implementing ITIL
• Learn essential concepts of managing and integrating ITIL processes and functions across ITIL practices
• Enable your team to get past planning and develop a viable framework to move forward
• Leverage expert experience to resolve your organization’s unique issues
• Learn to identify, navigate and mitigate pitfalls
• Learn to present the case to leadership regarding the scope and value of ITIL and service management
• Understand how to integrate Agile, DevOps, and Cobit into your implementation to maximize value flow
• Learn to improve the collaboration among people in key ITIL roles to drive value
• Review strategic objectives associated with the ITIL Framework
- View ITSM and ITIL from 360⁰ - IT, business, and strategy
- "Get” on the same page regarding implementing ITIL
- Learn essential concepts of managing and integrating ITIL processes and functions across ITIL practices
- Enable your team to get past planning and develop a viable framework to move forward
- Leverage expert experience to resolve your organization’s unique issues
- Learn to identify, navigate and mitigate pitfalls
- Learn to present the case to leadership regarding the scope and value of ITIL and service management
- Understand how to integrate Agile, DevOps, and Cobit into your implementation to maximize value flow
- Learn to improve the collaboration among people in key ITIL roles to drive value
- Review strategic objectives associated with the ITIL Framework
- ... and much more
- Electronic comprehensive course manual
- Supplemental course materials
- Personalized Certificate of Completion
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- IIBA Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Individual Training (via Anytime eLearning)

Team Training

Enterprise Training

Inteq’s ITIL Implementation Workshop Part 2 builds on and leverages the framework created in Part I to develop an actionable roadmap. The roadmap is specially designed for your organization, to enable your team to confidently move forward from “where you are” (possibly just getting started, or restarting, or getting “un-stuck”) and pivoting toward a new direction in applying and realizing value from ITIL.
You will learn:
• Critical systems thinking that drives your implementation
• To identify your organization’s services
• To improve the quality of your planning and roadmaps
• How to setup governance and continual improvement practices
• To integrate essential people transformations
• To structure your ITIL implementation to integrate best practices from Agile, DevOps, Cobit, and SIAM
• To obtain business alignment objective of ITIL
• Specific steps to implement ITIL 4
- Critical systems thinking that drives your implementation
- To identify your organization’s services
- To improve the quality of your planning and roadmaps
- How to setup governance and continual improvement practices
- To integrate essential people transformations
- To structure your ITIL implementation to integrate best practices from Agile, DevOps, Cobit, and SIAM
- To obtain business alignment objective of ITIL
- Specific steps to implement ITIL 4
- ... and much more
- Electronic comprehensive course manual
- Supplemental course materials
- Personalized Certificate of Completion
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- IIBA Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Individual Training (via Anytime eLearning)

Team Training

Enterprise Training

Inteq’s Business Process Modeling training course provides analysts with the best practice techniques and methods to rapidly uncover and assimilate deep business knowledge; and to coherently map, accurately measure and thoroughly analyze business processes to identify gaps and opportunities for improvement.
You will learn:
• To quickly and accurately map business processes
• Techniques to discover and capture deep business
• A practical proven framework and roadmap for
process analysis
• To identify both high-value and non-productive work
• Elicitation techniques and business questions that
challenge legacy business rules
• To identify and analyze forward-facing business
requirements across the enterprise
• To identify and apply metrics and key performance
indicators (KPIs)
• Techniques to analyze cross-functional hand-offs
• To identify silos and sources of sub-optimization
• To identify process gaps and perform root cause
• Tactics to identify and analyze opportunities for
improving business processes... and much more
- Techniques to discover and capture deep business knowledge
- A practical proven framework and roadmap for process analysis
- To identify both high-value and non-productive work activities
- Elicitation techniques and business questions that challenge legacy business rules
- To identify and analyze forward-facing business requirements across the enterprise
- To identify and apply metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs)
- Techniques to analyze cross-functional hand-offs
- To identify silos and sources of sub-optimization
- To identify process gaps and perform root cause analysis
- Tactics to identify and analyze opportunities for improving business processes
- ... and much more
- Electronic comprehensive course manual
- Supplemental course materials
- Personalized Certificate of Completion
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- IIBA Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Individual Training (via Anytime eLearning)

Team Training

Enterprise Training

Regulation, competition, growth, technology, resource / talent availability, restructuring, economic conditions, business strategy, etc. are continually driving business change. Proactively recognizing and embracing change and transforming and continually improving business processes are essential to surviving and thriving in today’s business environment.
You will learn:
• A framework and roadmap for agile BPR – shifting from
BPR as a project to BPR as an ongoing process.
• Best practices to achieve sustainable incremental and
transformational change.
• An integrated approach to improve and transform
business processes from 360° – The tactical,
operational and strategic perspectives.
• To apply a sophisticated toolkit of over 50 specific,
proven, practical high impact improvement and
reengineering tactics.
• To utilize the process change continuum to define and
validate project mission and scope.
• To ensure the results are integrated into your
organization’s culture and are sustainable over time.
• Critical thinking skills, conceptual knowledge and best
practice techniques that transform legacy processes
into efficient, lean, effective forward facing processes.
• To enable analysts, subject matter experts and other
stakeholders to challenge and disrupt existing business
processes, workflows and underlying business rules.
• Best practices from Agile, Six Sigma, Lean and TQM
that business analysts can confidently and immediately
apply to business processes across your organization.
• ... and much more
- A framework and roadmap for agile BPR – shifting from BPR as a project to BPR as an ongoing process
- Best practices to achieve sustainable incremental and transformational change
- An integrated approach to improve and transform business processes from 360° – The tactical, operational and strategic perspectives.
- To apply a sophisticated toolkit of over 50 specific, proven, practical high impact improvement and reengineering tactics
- To utilize the process change continuum to define and validate project mission and scope
- To ensure the results are integrated into your organization’s culture and are sustainable over time
- Critical thinking skills, conceptual knowledge and best practice techniques that transform legacy processes into efficient, lean, effective forward facing processes
- To enable analysts, subject matter experts and other stakeholders to challenge and disrupt existing business processes, workflows and underlying business rules
- Best practices from Agile, Six Sigma, Lean and TQM that business analysts can confidently and immediately apply to business processes across your organization
- ... and much more
- Electronic comprehensive course manual
- Supplemental course materials
- Personalized Certificate of Completion
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- IIBA Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Individual Training (via Anytime eLearning)

Team Training

Enterprise Training

Inteq's Business Systems Analysis training course provides the critical thinking skills, conceptual knowledge and best practice techniques to rapidly discover, thoroughly analyze and accurately specify business and user requirements.
You will learn:
• The 5 types of business requirements that form
the foundation for business analysis
• Engage business users, subject matter experts
and stakeholder in the analysis process
• Surface “hidden” business requirements
• Specific questions that elicit deep business
• Specify precise unambiguous business
• Analyze business requirements 360º to ensure
thorough analysis
• Identify and validate complex business scenarios
• Leverage analysis resources and business
knowledge across the enterprise
• Business analysis best practice techniques
• ... and much more
- The 5 types of business requirements that form the foundation for business analysis
- Engage business users, subject matter experts and stakeholder in the analysis process
- Surface “hidden” business requirements
- Specific questions that elicit deep business knowledge
- Specify precise unambiguous business requirements
- Analyze business requirements 360º to ensure thorough analysis
- Identify and validate complex business scenarios
- Leverage analysis resources and business knowledge across the enterprise
- Business analysis best practice techniques
- ... and much more
- Electronic comprehensive course manual
- Supplemental course materials
- Personalized Certificate of Completion
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- IIBA Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Individual Training (via Anytime eLearning)

Team Training

Enterprise Training
Learn about each method of training:

Inteq’s Anytime eLearning™ enables you to learn on your schedule and at your own pace. Our courses are organized into session modules optimized for self-paced eLearning - anytime, anywhere, any device. Enroll today.

Bring your team members together for a high-impact shared training experience. Team training enables team members to learn business analysis best practice skills, concepts, techniques, and methods as a group.

Inteq enterprise training uses a balanced mix of live training, eLearning, and mentoring workshops - custom tailored to your organization. We go wide and deep to deliver high-value business analysis training.
Helpful Registration Information
Payment Options:
Master Card, Visa, American Express, PayPal and Business or Personal Checks.
Anytime eLearning™ courses include: Business Systems Analysis, Business Process Reengineering, Logical Data Modeling, Advanced Data Modeling, and Soft Skills.
What’s included?
In addition to the world-class training, participants also receive a comprehensive course manual - which is yours to keep, supplemental materials, a personalized Certificate of Completion, and CEU (continuing education unit) credits.
Course Length:
Each Anytime eLearning™ course is designed for two full days of training. However, participants can learn at their own pace and on their own schedule. Participants can go back and review the material at their own pace and time schedule to reinforce and further internalize the concepts.
Participants have 45-days to complete a course after starting the course. An un-started training program can remain in the participants training dashboard for up to 12 months. Most participants typically complete the training over 1-3 weeks.
Participant substitution is allowed any time prior to the start of a course. Substitution is not available after a participant starts a course.
Participants can cancel within the first 24-hours of their purchase for a 100% refund.
Notification of cancellation, transfer or substitution must be made via email (with read receipt requested) to info@inteqgroup.com.
Accreditation & Professional Affiliations

Inteq is an approved GSA prime contractor and Inteq business analysis training programs and consulting services are available to federal government agencies under the GSA PSS schedule.